
Knitted Seamless Slippers For Adults

Several years back I made one of my very first videos called "Mary Jane Slippers" (they are seamless), which I uploaded on my first YouTube Cannel called "Czech-o-Slovaks". Later on I decided to create a new YouTube Channel for my "HandMadeRukodelky", which (as many of you know) is totally dedicated to my tutorial videos about knitting and crocheting. Someone saw the "Mary Jane Slippers" video and sent me a request to do a video on "How To Knit Adult Slippers".   I made the video and started writing the pattern, but never posted it due to working on too many projects at the same time.

The other day, I got another request from one of my followers asking me if I could, please, post the written pattern for my adult slippers from the video. I finally found a time to sit down and finish my post about these slippers.

And YES - you can share any of my patterns and videos with your friends/groups, because if people visit I can keep going, do what I love = create patterns, take/edit images, make videos, etc., and share them with all of you.

Thank you all. Enjoy.

Here you go.

length - 8.5"
height in back - 3"

Patton's Classic Wool Rowing, weight bulky - #5
Double Pointed Needles - size #9
Hook - size #H

CO - cast on
K - knit
sl st - slip stitch (slip all stitches purl-wise)
st, sts - stitch, stitches
DPN - double pointed needles
RS - right side
WS wrong side
K2tog - knit 2 stitches together
BO - bind off


Make two slippers.

CO 9 sts

Row 1-22     (this will be back of your slipper)  in each row: K8, sl last st

Next step is to CO 10 new stitches along each side of your knitted part:

turn your knit vertically (the tail to your right and on the top, your DPN will be in a horizontal position and to your left); then with your hook pull yarn through each of the 10 side stitches (start right below the last knitted stitch that is on the needle) and place each new stitch on your second DPN = CO total 10 new sts on first side;

Row 21       (WS) with your third DPN start knitting these new casted on sts: K10; then move yarn forward (in front of the knit between both DPNs) and slip first st from 2nd DPN onto knitting DPN, move yarn back, and K7 sts from your left needle, then with yarn in back of the knit - slip last st from your left DPN onto your right (knitting) DPN (= do not knit your last st); then turn your knit again so you can continue CO stitches along the second side and CO 10 sts. You have 10+9+10 stitches on 3 DPNs.

From now on you will knit several rows back and forth on these three needles as such:

Row 22           (RS) K28 (just like you would socks, but only with three DPNs), sl last st (total 29 sts)
Row 23           (WS) 1st DPN: K10;  2nd DPN: with yarn in front - slip 1st st from left needle onto                           right needle, move yarn back, K7, then with yarn in front of your knit slip 9th                                   st from left needle onto right needle, move yarn back;  3rd DPN: K9, sl last st

Rows 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36     - (RS) same as Row 22
Rows 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35,          - (WS) same as Row 23

Row 37          (with RS facing you) keep the yarn in the back of your knit and cable CO 2 sts (= with your hook pull yarn between 2 last sts and place it onto your DPN to the left side of your last st, repeat one more time - you casted on 2 new sts); then connect the stitches into a circle as such: move the yarn to the back, then take your last st you just cable CO and move it to the next needle; 1st DPN: K2tog first two sts, after that continue such as: P1, *[K1, P1]* - repeat from * to * 3 more times (4x total); 2nd DPN:  sl first st, then P7, sl st; 3rd DPN:  *[P1, K1]* - repeat from * to * 4 more times (5x total), P1

From now on you will knit in rounds and you will repeat these 2 following rounds until you reach a desired length of your slipper (usually to the end of your toe, in my video I knitted 28 rows in total = repeated Row A and Row B 14x):

Rnd A:         1st DPN: *[K1, P1]* - repeat from * to * 4 more times (total 5x)
                      2nd DPN: K9
                      3rd DPN: *[P1, K1]* - repeat from * to * 4 more times (total 5x), then P1

Rnd B:         1st DPN: *[K1, P1]* - repeat from * to * 4 more times (total 5x)
                      2nd DPN:   sl first st, then P7, sl last st;
                      3rd DPN: *[P1, K1]* - repeat from * to * 4 more times (total 5x), then P1


Rnd 1           1st DPN: *[K2tog]* - repeat from * to * 4 more times (total 5x)
                     2nd DPN: sl first st, then P7, sl last st;
                     3rd DPN: *[K2tog]* - repeat from * to * 4 more times (total 5x), P1

Rnd 2:          *[K2tog]* - repeat from * to * through out entire row to end; to BO pull yarn throughout                      all remaining stitches and fasten off. Weave all tails in. Crochet around the slipper opening. (I crocheted single crochet back stitches)


DID YOU FIND ERRORS? Let me know on what page of my blog, and in which row by clicking HERE, and I will fix it as soon as I get to it. You can PM me on my FB Page HERE as well. Txs!
Also if you haven't subscribed to my HandmadeRukodelky Channel, you can do it HERE. There are many videos to be seen, too.


Copyright page - click HERE


Note: Most of the time I work as fast as I can to keep up with knitting and crocheting requests. I have to videotape, edit videos, then convert them & upload them to my channel. After that often I post on my blog patterns. I answer many questions, which means that often I work up to 16 hours a day. I would tremendously appreciate IF anyone of you who finds an error in the written pattern, so please, let me know - where (what rows) and what may be the problem. Many future knitters & crocheters from our artsy and crafty virtual world will thank you for your good deed, including myself.