
Crocheted Bonnet For a Newborn Princess

Finally, my semester is over, holidays are over, New Year's is over, and I can knit and crochet again - yeeey. Although I do have art exhibitions coming up (yes I paint, draw, make sculptures too).

I love to make hats, and booties, and socks, and little gloves, and you name it, for newborns. I really like to make stuff for them. The are so cute, and precious, and cuddly that it is easy to think of some outfit to knit or crochet for them. A little bit of lovely yarn, one or two hours of free time, imagination, and you have a beautiful present.

Well, I make stuff for babies even if I do not have any baby to knit or crochet for at the moment. It will have to be donated, or gifted to someone that crosses my path :-)

This time I was inspired by a bonnet I saw on the internet. It was just a simple, minimalistic crocheted hat, and I decided to make similar, but with a lacy feel to it. I had an idea how this bonnet should look like. I found an elegant, repetitive pattern in one of my books, counted my stitches and "went to work."  I chose one of my pink yarns - about 1/2 ball of a leftover from some project I did a while back. I decided to crochet this hat as I was videotaping making it. 

This hat/bonnet crochets relatively fast. It has only 15 rows. Therefore it is quite an easy project. You need to know only basic stitches. There is a video on my YouTube channel for Right-handed and Left-handed crocheters, too. The video is very detailed, so if you think you can't do it - I think yes you can. Just follow me along the video, slow it down (I made a video how to slow it down - click HERE) or rewind and rewatch. Enjoy.

First, make "Base Part" (back of the hat) in the round (5 rows); then continue with "Lacy Part" back and forth (8 rows). Finish crocheting around the "Sides and the Nape Area."

So here we go:

Newborn, 0-3 months old baby (the height and width of the hat is 6" in flat position)

Materials (if you shop via affiliated links below you could help fund my projects TXS):
 Michaels on line store, OR Hobby Lobby, OR Jo-Ann Fabrics, OR Walmart
1/2 ball of yarn that is light weight #3 (I used Snuggly Wuggly by Loops & Threads, pink color - but feel free to use any color and any yarn of your choice that is very similar to thickness of the one I used)
Hook size 4mm
Ribbon - a color that goes with your yarn

I also made a bigger size with thicker yarn and bigger hook - yet same pattern

3-6 months old baby (the height and width of the hat is 7" in flat position)

about 3/4 of ball of yarn that is worsted weight #4 (I used Lion Brand, Vanna's Choice, silver blue color - but feel free to use any color and any yarn of your choice that is very similar to thickness of the one I used)
Hook size 6mm
Ribbon - a color that goes with your yarn


My gauge is medium and comparable with manufacturers gauge


ch - chain
dc - double crochet
sc - single crochet
join - join with a slip stitch
prev. - previous
yo - yarn over
cluster A (chain3+2-double-crochet puff stitch) - *yo, insert the hook in the stitch, yo, draw the yarn through the stitch, yo, and draw the yarn through the 2 loops on the hook (one half-finished double crochet is complete)* - repeat from * to * 1 more times (3 loops are on your hook); yo and draw the yarn through all 3 loops on the hook, note: this cluster is worked only in the beginning of the row
cluster B (3-double-crochet puff stitch) - *yo, insert the hook in the stitch, yo, draw the yarn through the stitch, yo, and draw the yarn through the 2 loops on the hook (one half-finished double crochet is complete)* - repeat from * to * 2 more times (4 loops are on your hook); yo and draw the yarn through all 4 loops on the hook
incl. - including
st, sts - stitch, stitches


First make "Base Part" (back of the hat) in the round (5 rows); then continue with "Lacy Part" back and forth (8 rows). Finish crocheting around the "Sides and the Nape Area". There is a video in my YouTube channel for Right-handed and Left-handed crocheters.


Foundation:  create a magic circle and work in rounds

Rnd 1          into the magic circle - ch3, 9 dc, join (total ch3 + 9 dc sts)
Rnd 2          ch3, 1 dc in same st as the ch3, 2 dc in each consecutive stitch from prev row, join (total ch3 + 19 dc sts)
Rnd 3          ch3, 1 dc in same st as the ch3, 1 dc in next; then *[2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next]* - repeat from * to *, join (total ch3 + 29 dc sts)
Rnd 4          ch3, 1 dc in same st as the ch3, 1 dc in next 2 consecutive sts; then *[2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next 2 consecutive sts]* - repeat from * to *, join (total ch3 + 39 dc sts)
Rnd 5          ch3, 1 dc in same st as the ch3, 1 dc in next 3 consecutive sts; then *[2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next 3 consecutive sts]* - repeat from * to *, join (total ch3 + 49 dc sts)


We will work in rows, start counting your rows from "1".

Row 1          ch4, skip one st, 1 dc into next, ch1, *[1 dc into next, ch1]* - repeat from * to * 19 more times, finish with 1 dc in the last st (total ch3 + 21 dc sts), turn
Row 2          ch1, 1 sc in each st to end, turn
Row 3          ch4, 1 dc in the same st, ch2, skip 2 sts, 1 sc in 3rd st, *[ch2, skip 2 sts, 1 dc in 3rd st, ch2, 1 dc in same st, ch2, skip 2 sts, 1 sc in 3rd st]* - repeat from * to * 5 more times; then ch2, skip 2 sts, 1 dc in LAST st, ch1 (!), 1 dc in same last st; (you will have total 8 "V"s - two narrow "V"s on each end, and 6 regular "V"s in the middle), turn
Row 4           ch3, into first "V" make [cluster A, ch1, cluster B, ch1]; into next 6 consecutive "V"s work as such: *[cluster B, ch1,  cluster B, ch1, cluster B, ch1]* - repeat this sequence from * to * 6x; finish with cluster B, ch1, cluster B in the last (8th) "V"
Row 5           same as Row 1
Row 6           same as Row 2
Row 7           same as Row 3
Row 8           into first "V" make [cluster A, ch1, cluster B, ch1, cluster B, ch1]; into next 6 consecutive "V"s work as such: *[cluster B, ch1,  cluster B, ch1, cluster B, ch1, cluster B, ch1]* - repeat this sequence from * to * 6x; finish with cluster B, ch1, cluster B, ch1, cluster B in the last (8th) "V"


We will continue crocheting a border along the neck area. Hold your bonnet as if to continue around.

Row 1           ch1, then space sc sts along the edge as evenly as possible. I crochet along the first side of a lacy part 12 sc sts, then along the back of the nec, 9 sc sts, and according to my video 13 sc sts along the second side of the lacy part, turn
Row 2           *[skip 2 sts, into 3rd sts crochet 7 dc, skip 2, into third st make 1 sc]* - 2x, then 1 sc in next 10 consecutive sts, skip 2 sts, into 3rd sts crochet 7 dc, skip 2, into third st make 1 sc, skip 2 sts, into 3rd sts crochet 7 dc, skip 2, into third st make sl st, then make a knot and weave in all the ends.


DID YOU FIND ERRORS? Let me know on what page of my blog, and in which row by clicking HERE, and I will fix it as soon as I get to it. You can PM me on my FB Page HERE as well. Txs!
Also if you haven't subscribed to my HandmadeRukodelky Channel, you can do it HERE. There are many videos to be seen, too.


Copyright page - click HERE


Note: Most of the time I work as fast as I can to keep up with knitting and crocheting requests. I have to videotape, edit videos, then convert them & upload them to my channel. After that often I post on my blog patterns. I answer many questions, which means that often I work up to 16 hours a day. I would tremendously appreciate IF anyone of you who finds an error in the written pattern, so please, let me know - where (what rows) and what may be the problem. Many future knitters & crocheters from our artsy and crafty virtual world will thank you for your good deed, including myself.