
Crocheted Angel For Christmas Tree >>> Hackovany Andel Na Vanocni Stromecek

I love angels. In paintings, in drawings, crochet angels.... Here is my variation of a crocheted angel. It makes a nice decoration for your Christmas tree.

Head and Halo:

1. ch 18, connect into circle with a sl st
2. ch2, then 28 sc
3. seven sl st into 1-7 stitches of the previous row, ch20, then sl st into 8th stitch from the end-  turn
4. ch2, 20 sc - turn
5. sl st. into  the 7th stitch from row 3, then 2 sl st, ch4, 4 sl st, ch4 - repeat 3 more times, finish wit 2 sl st + one more sl st into the 7th stitch from the end in the 3rd row
6. finish head with seven sl sts


7. start neck with  ch4, tr crochet into same stitch as ch4, two tr crochet into next stitch, turn
8. ch4, three tr crochet into "2 tr cr" space from prev. row,  skip one space between tr crochets, four tr crochet into the space between the last two tr crochets on the end, turn
9. sl st, ch4 + three tr crochet into space between second and third tr crochets in prev. row, skip one space (bet. 3rd & 4th tr crochets in prev. row),  four tr crochet into same space between 4th and 5th tr crochets from in prev. row, skip one space (bet. 5th & 6th tr crochets in prev. row), four tr crochet into same space between 6th and 7th tr crochets from in prev. row = total 12 tr cr, incl ch4 stitch in row 9, turn
10.  repeat row 9 - you will end up with total 20 tr cr, incl ch4 stitch in row 10
11. sl st, ch4 + two tr crochet into space between second and third tr crochets in prev. row, skip two spaces, *three tr crochet into space, skip one space, - repeat 4 more times, three tr crochet into space, skip two spaces, finish with three tr cr, turn
12. ch4 + two tr cr into same stitch, then always between cluster of three tr st crochet another cluster of three tr st, finish at the end with a cluster of three tr st in the last stitch, turn
13. repeat row 12
14. *ch10, sl st into 5th ch, ch5, sc bet. 2nd cluster of tr stitches - rep 4 more times
15. work along the side of the skirt (from the bottom toward head) - ch4 and sl st for each row - 5x


16. crochet ch4 + 4 tr crochet into the side of the next row (= right below the neck row), turn
17. ch4, tr cr into same stitch, *ch1, 2 tr cr into same stitch - repeat 3 more times, turn
18. ch4, tr cr into same stitch, *ch2, 3 tr cr into the space - repeat 3 more times, finish the row wit 2 tr cr in the last stitch, turn
19. *ch4, 3 sc, repeat until the end - finishing up with ch4 and sl st., cut of the string

Do the second wing starting on the bottom of the skirt with the same stitches as in row 15 and continue up to row 19.

Clean up the ends, starch your Angel and hang it on your Christmas tree. Happy Holidays.


Mam rada andilky v jakekoliv forme. Zde je hackovana variace meho andela.

Hlava a Svatozar:

1. retzek z 18ti ocek, spojit
2. 2 retizky, pote 28 kr sl
3. 7 spojovacich ocek do kazdeho kr sl, 20 retiskovych ocek, pote spoj ocko do 8meho ocka od konce/pocatku kruhu, ototcit
4. 2 retizky, 20 kr sl (kolem obvodu svatozare) - otocit
5. spojovaci ocko do 7 ocka (na hlave), pote 2 spoj ocka do kr sl na svatozari, 4 retizky, 2 spoj ocka do kazdeho kr sl, 4 retizky, 2 spoj ocka do kazdeho kr sl -  opakovat (budete mit celkem 5 obloucku), ukoncit s 2 spojovacimi ocky + plus jeste jedno spoj ocko na zpevneni do 3 rady (hlava)
6. dokoncit hlavu s dalsimi 7 spojovacimi ocky podel strany hlavy


7. krk zacneme se 4 retizky, pak dvojity sl do stejneho ocka, do dalsiho ocka 2 dl sl, otocit
8. retizek ze 4 ocek, 3 dl sl mezi dva sl sl z predesle rady, preskocit dalsi mezeru mezi sloupky, a do dalsi mezery uhackovat 4 dl sl, otocit
9. spojovaci ocko, a pak 4 ret ocka + 3 dl sl do mezery, pak do kazde druhe mezery uhackovat 4 dl sl - na konci rady by jste mely mit celkem 12 dl sl (vcetne dl sl ze 4 ret ocek)
10.  opakovat 9-tou radu - v 10te rade by jste mely mit 20 dl sl (vcetne dl sl ze 4 ret ocek)
11. spjovaci ocko, 4 ret ocka + 2 dl sl do mezery, preskocit 2 mezery = uhackovat 3 dl sl, pote hackovat 3 dl sl v kazde druhe mezere - opakovat jeste 4x, preskocit 2 mezery a uhackovat 3 dl sl na konci rady, otocit
12. 4 ret ocka + 2 dl sl do stejneho ocka, pote uhackovat vzdy 3 dl sl v mezere mezi troj-dlouhymi sloupky, a nakonec do posledniho ocka opet 3 dl sl, otocit
13. opakovat 12-tou radu
14. *10 retisku, do pateho retisku spojovaci ocko, 5 retizku, kr sl do mezery kazde 2 trojite dl sl - opakovat  jeste 4x
15. pokracujeme po strane tela (od spodu ke hlavicce) - 4 ret ocka, sl st do kazde rady - 5x


16. uhackovat 4 ret. ocka +  4 dl sl po delce dlouheho sl v dalsi rade (je to rada hned pod radou, ktera tvori krk), otocit
17. 4 ret ocka, dl sl do stejneho oka * retizkove oko, 2 dl sl do stejneho oka - opakovat 3x, otocit
18. 4 ret ocka, dl sl do stejneho oka * 2 ret oka, 3 dl sl do stejneho oka - opakovat 3x, dokoncit radu 2-mi dl sl v poslednim ocku rady, otocit

19. *4 ret ocka, 3 kr sl - opakovat do konce rady a ukoncit 4 ret ocky a spojovacim ockem, ustrihnout prizi

Druhe kridelko zaciname opet odspodu sukynky = opakovat podle rady 15 - 19.

Zacistit vsechny konce, naskrobte vaseho Andilka a poveste na stromecek. Stastne a Vesele Vanoce.