Years back, when I moved to my first own apartment, I started making my place "livable". One day I walked to a store and I saw
plain wooden coasters
that I liked a lot and, which I needed for cups and glasses to protect my furniture. They were not expensive at all and I decided, that I will decorate them to make them look very special. At that time "gold leafing" was very fashionable, so after I purchased the coaster, I stopped at the art store on the way home and bought a
gold leafing kit
. I painted the middle of the coaster with red color and the rest (including a coaster holder) I painted with gold paint. I gave the coasters two coats. I made sure that my lines would be straight - I like to be neat. When the paint dried, I gold-leafed the red part (the middle). Gold leafing requires a lot of patience. Hands must be clean and dry, so the gold leaf doesn't stick to them much. And I remember vaguely that I also used brand new clean brush to smooth the gold leaf onto the coaster. When placing the gold leaf onto the object, you need to keep on mind that some of the red paint needs to show. That is the effect of antique gold leafing. To make my coasters more interesting, I glued images from the magazine onto the holder. After I was all done I painted clear varnish all over the holder and the coasters to make sure that the gold leaf would not peel.
I had these coasters for many years. You can see that they still look good, although they are a bit used. But it doesn't matter - it is giving it an antique feel. My friends usually ask where I bought my coasters. I always tell them how I did it and about a gold leaf kit which has a step-by-step directions in the package.
Later on, I even gold leafed an old and ugly chair, and gave it a new fabric. After I was done with it, the chair looked like brand new chair. Unfortunately I do not have any image to show you. I do not even have that chair. It is now in the possesion of another person.
Kdyz jsem se pred mnoha lety prestehovala do meho prvniho vlastniho bytu, zacala jsem si upravovat moje hnizdecko. Jednou jsem vesla do obchodu, kde jsem natrefila na
male tacky
pod hrnicky a sklenicky, ktere byly ze dreva. Byly levne a tak jsem si rekla, ze si je "ozdobim". V te dobe bylo velmi popularni tzv. "
gold leafing
" - zdobeni zlatymi tenouckymi listy. Takze jsem se okamzite zastavila v obchode pro malire a koupila jsem si sadu. Stred kazdeho tacku jsem natrela cervenou barvou z teto sady, zbytek jsem pomalovala zlatou barvou. Taktez jsem natrela zlatou barvou stojan na tacky. Dve vrstvy. A davala jsem pozor, aby prace byla odvedena dobre. Jakmile barva zaschla, vzala jsem "gold leaf" (zlaty list) a nanasela jsem ho na cervenou plochu tak, aby mezi kouskami listu prosvitala cervena barva. Na stojan jsem nalepila "utrzene" obrazky z casopisu. Pote jsem vse natrela prusvitnym lakem.
Tyto tacky mam jiz mnoho let, takze jsou jiz mirne opotrebovane, coz nevadi nebot jim pridava starozitny efekt. Pratele se me ptaji, kde jsem tyto tacky koupila a ja jim vzdy rikam at si koupi "gold leafing" sadu a taky si neco hezkeho vytvori.
Pozdeji jsem jeste "o-gold-leafovala" stare osklive kreslo. Sedadlo a operadlo jsem potahla novou latkou. Kreslo bylo jako nove. Bohuzel fotografii meho kresla nemam nebot uz mnoho let je u jineho majitele.