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The Story Of My Green Sweater >>> Pribeh Meho Zeleneho Svetru

Any of your friends ever told you: "I was at the right place in the right time with the right people and I saw the right thing"? Well this happened to me one day, when I was shopping groceries for my dinner. As I was putting bags into my car, I noticed that in the shopping center one store was going out of business. It was not a store I usually go to, because they sell "junky products", but I decided just to quickly look through the isles if I will see anything worth buying. When I got to the back of the store, I saw that they had yarns in ugly cardboard boxes, on the shelves, on the floor. Some of them were really ugly and made of horrible material. It was chaos. I almost turned around to leave the store, when a very pretty green color caught my eye. It was peeking at me from underneath other yarns in one of the boxes, which was sitting on the floor. I bent over and pulled the multi-colored green yarn with confetti like pieces out. It was a love at the first sight. In my mind I saw myself wearing a sweater from this gorgeous soft material. It was beautiful 100% wool made in Italy and I was wondering how did it get to this unattractive store. I started going through the box and found three more skeins. Now, I had four in total. Two could make back of my sweater, two could make the front. I still needed at least two - one for each sleeve. I searched through shelves and found one more on the bottom shelf  tucked all the way back. "One more, one more!" I was thinking to myself. I looked through several other boxes. I could not see any more skeins. "OK, I'll settle for a  vest," I thought while walking away. As I turned around for the last look I suddenly saw under the shelf on the floor in the dust the last "baby". This skein was dirty, yarn was pulled out of the middle, it was missing its label. It was my "Ugly Duckling". I took it into my arms with love, paid for my yarn at the cash register and with love carried it into my car. At home I unpacked my beautiful multi-color green yarn first. This story happened to me about three years ago. I still have my sweater, it doesn't look like new anymore, but I love it the most. And what more, I was able to make for me a hat with a little "antennae". And do I get compliments on this sweater when I wear it? You bet. Perhaps people like my sweater because I carry myself in it like it is made of a gold.

I cannot remember how I made it exactly, but I kitted the sweater in a "T" style. Front and back are made with opening for my head, And then sleeves I started knitting from the shoulder area toward my palms in a straight manner. The hat was knitted on five needles and decreased until six stitches were left which I knitted into "antennae". The antennae can be pushed inside for a different look.


Uz vam nekdy nekdo rekl: "Byl jsem na spravnem miste, ve spravny cas, s temi spravnymi lidmi a stala se mi ta spravna vec"? Toto se stalo jednoho dne mne, kdyz jsem nakupovala potraviny k veceri.  Ladovala jsem tasky do auta a kdyz jsem se podivala smerem k obchodum uvidela jsem obchod, do ktereho bych asi nikdy nevstoupila az ten den, kdy jsem si vsimla ze obchod se navzdy zavira. Zkrachoval.  Rozhodla jsem obchod v rychlosti prolitnout, jestli tam naaaahodou neco neni, co by stalo za to koupit. Prochazela jse v rychlosti kolem ragalu a samozrejme, ze co jsem videla bylo levne nekvalitni zbozi. Kdyz jsem dosla az dozadu do rohu, uvidela jsem tam regaly s prizemi a vlnami. Vsude byl neporadek, vlny nahazene po regale, po zemi, v osklivych krabicich. Nektere prize byly velmi nekvalitni z tvrdeho a neprijemneho materialu. Otocila jsem se, ze odejdu kdyz najednou jsem zachytila koutkem oka krasnou zelenou barvu. Koukala na me z jedne krabice. Klubicko vlny byl schovane pod jinymi prizemi, o ktere jsem nemela zajem. Ohnula jsem se a vytahla jsem krasnou zelenou italskou pravou vlnu, ktera mela v sobe mnoho jinych barevnych jako konfety "tecek" (kousicku vlny). Hned jsem se videla v krasnem zelenem svetru z tohoto mekkeho materialu. Divila jsem se jak se 100% vlna z Italie dostala do tohoto oskliveho obchodu. Zacala jse hledat dalsi klubicka a vytahla jsem z krabice dalsi tri - tak to by byly dva klubicka na zada, dva klubicka na predek. Potrebovala jsem najit jeste minimalne dve klubicka na rukavy. Prohrabavala jsem dalsi krabice a regaly, az jsem nasla jeden uplne vzadu na spodni pricce regalu. Hledala jsem dale ale nemohla sjem uz zadne najit. Potrebovala sjem jeste jedno klubicko. "No koneckoncu i vesta by byla hezka," presvedcovala jsem sama sebe. Kdyz jsem se rozesla smerem ke kasam platit, jeste jsem se naposledy otocila a tu jsem uvidela moje "osklive Kacatko". Valelo se pod regalem ve spine, kus vlny bylo vytahano, a i cedulka mu chybela. Sebrala jsem "osklive Kacatko" do naruce a s laskou jsem ho nesla ke kasam. Doma jsem vybalila moji vlnu jako prvni. Toto se mi prihodilo pred tremi lety a ja stale nosim muj svetr s laskou. Dokonce mi vyslo i na cepici s antenkou. Lide mi ho chvali  mozna hlavne proto, ze se v nem nesu, jako kdyby to byl svetr ze zlata.

Uz si nepamatuju presne jak jsem ho upletla, ale je upleteny do "T-ecka", jako pulover. Kdyz jsem upletla predek a zada, sesila jsem ramenni sev, a pak jsem zacala plest rukavy smerem ke dlanim. Je pleteny, aby byl velky a s plandavymi rukavy. Cepice byla pletena take jednoduse, na 5-ti jehlicich, a konci antenkou, ktera se da dokonce zasunout dovnit a pak je to cepice bez antenky.