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Painted Rocks >>> Malovane Kameny

Couple summers ago, when I visited my family and friends in Europe, I was walking by a gift shop and behind the window they displayed several painted rocks. They were very tastefully decorated into peoples faces. I like unusual things that appeal to me visually. The rocks motivated me, I could also say influenced me, to find my own rock and try to paint it. When I returned back to America I decided to make a paper weight rock for my husband as a gift. On one of the family trips to the mother nature I found a rock I loved. Then at home I painted a face on my rock with a regular pencil, and white and brown pencils and sprayed it with fixative.

Pred nekolika lety, kdyz jsem navstivila rodinu a pratele v me byvale domovine, uvidela jsem za vylohou jednoho obchudku hezke kameny ktere umelec "ozdobil" jako tvare lidi. Mam rada zvlastni veci, ktere na me vizuelne pusobi. Tyto kameny na mne tak zapusobily a motivovaly mne, aby si nasla svuj kamen, ktery bych pak pomalovala. Kdyz jsem se vratila zpet do Ameriky, pri jednom vyletu do prirody jsem nasla ten "muj" kamen, ktery mame doma jako tezitko. Namalovala jsem mu oblicej obycejnou tuzkou, a bilou a hnedou pastelkou, ktere jsem pak prestrikala fixativem