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White Knitted Hat For Newborn >>> Bila Pletena Cepicka Pro Novorozene

Step-by-Step Directions of the hat for a newborn baby:

THIS is the yarn I used for hat, booties and gloves and THIS is the yarn I used for picot

1. CO 80 stitches
2. K2-P2 8 rows
3. 44 rows stockinette style (odd rows Knit, even rows Purl)
4. see the video how to finish the hat.


1. Nahodit 80 ocek
2. 8 rad 2 hladce-2 obratce
3. 44 rad - liche rady hladce, sude rady obratce
4. jak dokoncit cepicku, prosim shlednete vyse uvedene video