Knitted Ankle (Leg) Warmers >>> Pletene "Zahrivace" (Navleky) Na Kotniky
Not too long ago I came across a beautiful outfit published on-line. It was a knitted top (sweater) and knitted pantyhose. Not having as much time before the holidays, I thought it would be nice to knit really long legwarmers as a Christmas present for my daughter. But with her distinctive taste I needed to know if she would wear them. She was interested in ankle warmers - in other words leg warmers, but short version. And the colors must be black or green. Originally I wanted to make the leg warmers colorful and happy looking, but from conversation she would prefer something more subdued. Below you can see my design.
Ankle Warmers are about 13 inches long, and 10 inches in diameter (48 stitches). The yarn used is by "Stitch Nation", the type of yarn is Full o' Sheep in black, green and cream color. I used size 8 needles.
Nedavno jsem videla na internetu obrazek s moc hezkym pletenym oblecenim ( svetr a puncochace). Myslela jsem si, ze velmi dlouhe "zahrivaci" navleky by byly pro dceru skvely darek pod stromecek. Po diskusi s dcerou, ktera ma specificky styl jsme se dohodly na kotnikovych navlecich a na fotografii muzete shlednout me snazeni.