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Knitting And The Stormy Weather >>> Moje Pleteni Pri Vichrici

We had several "exciting" days lately. As many of you know there has been a devastating stormy weather on the East coast and left many people without the electricity and many unfortunate people ended up with huge damages. We were without electricity for three days, which is considered very lucky. Our family realizes now how much the electricity and water (yes, we have water well and therefor our pump was not working) means to us. In these few days the nature made us very humble. While some people have to replace houses (I saw a totally flattened house on the net), or roofs, and get rid of trees, we only have to replace food in the refrigerator and pick up few small branches. My thoughts are with all the people that were tremendously affected and I am thinking now, which country will donate to these American people that lost their house so they can have less stressful life, just like these American people donate elsewhere when there is a need.

And while all this "weather nonsense" was happening and I was left with not much  to do at home during the storm,  I sat there by a fire place, which was the only heat source at our house, and knitted few things (socks that do not have "holes" in the heel area, two finger puppets - punk and strawberry, and booties Mary Jane's). It was actually "peaceful", considering what was going on in our area.

Meli jsme par zajimavych dnu. Na nasem vychodnim pobrezi se "certi zenili" - vichrice ponicila hodne domu, vyrvala stromy, pokacela elektricke vedeni. Mnoho lidi ma vysoke skody, nekteri ztratili domy. Spousta domu je zatopenych. Nase rodina skoncila jenom bez elektriky a ponevadz mame studnu, tak i bez vody (pumpa funguje jenom kdyz je elektrika). Je mi lito tech lidi, kteri maji velke ztraty a hodne problemu. Ja jen doufam, ze nekdo temto lidem pomuze. Kdyz mohou Americane posilat financni pomoc komukoliv, i do jinych zemi, myslim, ze by bylo hezke, kdyby zase nekdo poslal lidem, kteri by dali prvni posledni, neco na oplatku jim.

Takze zatimco byla venku vichrice a ja nesedela na pocitaci, umotala jsem par kousku - jen tak co me napadlo. Ponosky, co nemaji diry v patach, dva manasky (trochu jine, nez jenom "zvizatka") a vzdy jsem chtela vyskouset uplest boticky s prezkou, zvane "Mary Janes".