The booties and the hat (left) are made from "70% acrylic/30% wool" yarn.
This yarn is a good product for children - soft yet warm for colder days/nights. The rim is knitted in roll up fashion, but could be knitted in a classical way too. Pompoms add a whimsical flair to the hat and they will make any baby look highly adorable.
Hat Size:
perimeter is 12 in. (can bee stretched up to 14 in.)
height is rolled up 5 and 3/4 in. (unrolled 6 and 1/2 in.)
Booties Size:
length 3 in. (stretches to 4 in.)
height is 2 in.
Purchase the pattern "Off White Knitted Hat and Booties" for $3
- from Ravelry by clicking on the link below
- or via paypal (the pattern will be sent to you via e-mail, all info is kept strictly confidential)

If you do not know how to knit and love this set as a wonderful gift for your loved one(s), you can purchase each knitted item either separately or as a set.
Note: This set can be made larger for extra $ - depending on size. I could knit these items in any color of your choice (yarn may wary but will be of similar quality = 70% acrylic/30% wool). Allow about 7-10 days to have this item knitted, plus S&H time.