However, if I will make another cover some day, it will have a bottom and a zipper at the top, so it will be easy to slip the bottle in. This cover does not have a bottom so it could be slipped on from the top and when it is being used a person pouring the wine has to be careful so bottle bottle does not slip out.
My friend liked this wine cover very much, so I gave it to her. I hope she is having fun with it when she is entertaining her guests. The cover on the top is the cover before it was felted (shrunk in the hot water) and the other image is after it has been shrunk. This certainly makes a nice gift. If anyone would interested in such an item, drop me couple of lines into comment box. I might consider making it for you if the price is right.

Tento kabatek se nasouva na lahev s vrchu, ale kdybych chtela vytvorit jiny, tak asi vytvorim povlek ktery bude mit dno a zip, aby jsem mohla lahev zasunout do "kabatku", misto "kabatek" na lahev.
Moji kamaradce se "kabatek" na lahev velmi libil, tak jsem ji ho dala. A ja doufam, ze ho pouziva, kdyz ma na navsteve hosty. Ten "kabatek" na prvni fotce je pred "srazenim" a druha fotografie je konecny vysledek. Kdyby mel nekdo zajem o takovyto darek, napiste mi do komentare. Kdyby byla cena prijatelna, vyrobila bych vam podobny.