About two years ago I bought this orange yarn
and this turquoise yarn
because I wanted to make a blouse for my daughter. But then I got busy and forgot about the yarn. Well, now two years later I pulled my yarn out because we will have another fundraiser in the orchestra where my daughter plays an instrument, so I decided to make a dress for a little girl (about 9 months to a year old). I hope it will help to raise some money.
Step-by-Step Directions:
This dress was made partially by machine and partially by hand.
1. Cast on 80 stitches (turquoise color yarn)
2. K1, P1 first row. Then in the second row reverse it - if the stitch that you are facing is knit you need to purl it now, and if it is purled stitch you need to knit it... in other words K becomes P and P becomes K. In the third row revers it again, and again in fourth row. Transfer the knit onto your kitting machine or continue kitting by hand. See the image.
3. Switch to the orange (mango) color yarn. K all odd rows and P all even rows - all together 68 rows. Take the knit off the machine (if you were knitting on the machine).
4. In 69th row (you should be in knit position) - K1, K2tog, K1, K2tog.... at the end you will have 60 stitches. Now either transfer the knit onto the knitting machine or continue kitting by hand.
5. P entire 70th row
6. Switch to the turquoise color yarn and knit every odd row and purl every even row - 30 rows
7.Decrease in 100th and 101st row 3 stitches and after that decrease in every row 1 stitch until you have 20 stitches left. Transfer your knit from the machine onto a needle.
1. Repeat all the steps 1. - 6. just as you did when you knitted the back or the dress
2. Decrease 3 stitches at the each end, then two stitches at the each end, then one stitch at the each end and then knit/purl 30 rows. Transfer your knit onto the needle (if you were knitting on the machine).
1. Sew the sides of the dress.
2. cast on the stitches around the arm area (front and back), then K1,P1....entire row. Then reverse and P1, K1, etc. entire row ...... and again reverse 2 more rows - just like you did when you started the rim of the skirt.
3. Do the front same way (the wide edge) - you will need to cast on a couple of stitches on the orange arm edge.
4. Do the back area, making sure you cast couple of stitches of the orange edge as well. After you are finished with 4th row divide the back 24 stitches into half, and continue with the manner of K1,P1, etc. in one row, then reversing int into P1, K1, etc. until you have long enough strap. Then do the other strap same way.
5. "Clean up" all the strings
6. Sew one button on each strap attaching it to the front "flap"
7. Attach satin ribbon(s) in the waist area in such way, that you can dis-attach them when you want to wash the dress. See my video.
Pred dvemi lety jsem koupila tutos oranzovou prizi
a tuto tyrkyzovou prizi
protoze jsem chtela uplest halenku pro dceru. Nejak jsem pro mnoho ruznych aktivit na vlnu zapomela. Protoze nas orchestr potrebuje penizky na zaplaceni ucitelu (pro rodice to je financne velmi vyhodna aktivita pro deti), tak dvakrat az trikrat rocne se dela tzv "fund raiser", tj celospolecenske financovani teto organizace. Dela se to tak, ze rodice mohou darovat ruzne objekty na tento "dobrocinny ucel" - to znamena, ze nekteri rodice (ci pribuzni a pratele) koupi darkove karty, jini vyrobi vyrobky, nebo nabidnou sluzby, apod. a tyto se pak prodavaji na aukci navstevnikum, kteri prijdou shlednout koncert orchestru. Z techto penez se pak zaplati dirigenti (ucitele) orchestru. Takze mimo jine napady, jsem se rozhodla tuto vlnu pouzit k upleteni divcich saticek - zde pro asi rocni batole. Celkova spotreba jsou 3 klubicka a ja doufam, ze se to proda minimalne za dvojnasobnou cenu techto klubicek. Doufam, ze to pomuze nasemu orchestru. Tak drzte palce.
Tyto saticky byly z casti pletene na stroji a z casti v ruce. Avsak mohou byt pletene cele v ruce.
1. Zacnete an 80 ocek (prize tyrkyzove barvy)
2. prvni rada - hladce, obratce. Druha rada, obracene - tj obratce, hladce. Uplette ctyri rady a pak prehodte na pletaci stroj, nebo pokracujte v ruce. Viz foto.
3. Patou radu zacnete plest oranzovou prizi, hladce vsechny liche rady, obratce vsechny sude rady - celkem 68 rad. Pokud pletete na stroji, presunte uplet na jehlici.
4. V 69. rade (mela by to byt "hladka" rada) uplest jedno ocko hladce, dve splest, jedno hladce, dve splest - melo by vam zustat 60 (62 bez spletani prvniho a posledniho ocka). Nyni presunte uplet zpet na stroj, nebo pokracujte v ruce.
5. Uplette 70. radu hladce
6. sedmdesatou prvni radu zacnete plest tyrkyzovou barvou. Pokud pletete v ruce hladce vsechny liche rady, obratce vsechny sude rady - 30 rad
7. Ujmete ve 100. a 101. rade 3 ocka (podpazi), pote ujimejte v kazde rade jedno ocko az vam zbyde 20 ocek. Pokud pletete na stroji, presunte tyto ocka na jehlici.
1.opakujte body 1. - 6. jako u zad (zada saticek)
2. ujmout 3 ocka na kazdem konci (podpazi), pak ujmeme v daslich dvou (respektive 4 radach) po jednom ocku. Pote upleteme 30 rad. Pokud pletete na stroji, presunte tyto ocka na jehlici.
1. Sesijte strany saticek az k podpazi.
2. Nahodte ocka kolem pazi (predek i zadek), pote uplette hladce-obratce celou radu. Druhou radu obracene (stejny styl upletu jako u lemu saticek).
3. Uplette okraj na predni casti saticek stejnym stylem jako lem saticek - nezapomente nahodit take ocka lemu kolem pazi.
4. Uplette zada stejnym stylem jako predni okraj, ci lem, saticek. Nezapomente nahodit take ocka lemu kolem pazi. Rozdelte ocka na dva dily se stejnym poctem ocek - a pokracujte v pleteni (jedna rada hladce obratce, dalsi rada obratce hladce) raminka, v potrebne delce. Pote uplette druhe raminko.
5. zacistete vsechny snurky
6. Prisijte knoflicky a raminka k predni casti saticek.
7. Privazte stuzku do pasu - v pripade prani saticek je muzette odvazat (muzete shlednout video)
Step-by-Step Directions:
This dress was made partially by machine and partially by hand.
- Back:
1. Cast on 80 stitches (turquoise color yarn)
2. K1, P1 first row. Then in the second row reverse it - if the stitch that you are facing is knit you need to purl it now, and if it is purled stitch you need to knit it... in other words K becomes P and P becomes K. In the third row revers it again, and again in fourth row. Transfer the knit onto your kitting machine or continue kitting by hand. See the image.
3. Switch to the orange (mango) color yarn. K all odd rows and P all even rows - all together 68 rows. Take the knit off the machine (if you were knitting on the machine).
4. In 69th row (you should be in knit position) - K1, K2tog, K1, K2tog.... at the end you will have 60 stitches. Now either transfer the knit onto the knitting machine or continue kitting by hand.
5. P entire 70th row
6. Switch to the turquoise color yarn and knit every odd row and purl every even row - 30 rows
7.Decrease in 100th and 101st row 3 stitches and after that decrease in every row 1 stitch until you have 20 stitches left. Transfer your knit from the machine onto a needle.
- Front:
1. Repeat all the steps 1. - 6. just as you did when you knitted the back or the dress
2. Decrease 3 stitches at the each end, then two stitches at the each end, then one stitch at the each end and then knit/purl 30 rows. Transfer your knit onto the needle (if you were knitting on the machine).
- Finishing:
1. Sew the sides of the dress.
2. cast on the stitches around the arm area (front and back), then K1,P1....entire row. Then reverse and P1, K1, etc. entire row ...... and again reverse 2 more rows - just like you did when you started the rim of the skirt.
3. Do the front same way (the wide edge) - you will need to cast on a couple of stitches on the orange arm edge.
4. Do the back area, making sure you cast couple of stitches of the orange edge as well. After you are finished with 4th row divide the back 24 stitches into half, and continue with the manner of K1,P1, etc. in one row, then reversing int into P1, K1, etc. until you have long enough strap. Then do the other strap same way.
5. "Clean up" all the strings
6. Sew one button on each strap attaching it to the front "flap"
7. Attach satin ribbon(s) in the waist area in such way, that you can dis-attach them when you want to wash the dress. See my video.
Pred dvemi lety jsem koupila tutos oranzovou prizi
Tyto saticky byly z casti pletene na stroji a z casti v ruce. Avsak mohou byt pletene cele v ruce.
- Zada:
1. Zacnete an 80 ocek (prize tyrkyzove barvy)
2. prvni rada - hladce, obratce. Druha rada, obracene - tj obratce, hladce. Uplette ctyri rady a pak prehodte na pletaci stroj, nebo pokracujte v ruce. Viz foto.
3. Patou radu zacnete plest oranzovou prizi, hladce vsechny liche rady, obratce vsechny sude rady - celkem 68 rad. Pokud pletete na stroji, presunte uplet na jehlici.
4. V 69. rade (mela by to byt "hladka" rada) uplest jedno ocko hladce, dve splest, jedno hladce, dve splest - melo by vam zustat 60 (62 bez spletani prvniho a posledniho ocka). Nyni presunte uplet zpet na stroj, nebo pokracujte v ruce.
5. Uplette 70. radu hladce
6. sedmdesatou prvni radu zacnete plest tyrkyzovou barvou. Pokud pletete v ruce hladce vsechny liche rady, obratce vsechny sude rady - 30 rad
7. Ujmete ve 100. a 101. rade 3 ocka (podpazi), pote ujimejte v kazde rade jedno ocko az vam zbyde 20 ocek. Pokud pletete na stroji, presunte tyto ocka na jehlici.
- Predni cast:
1.opakujte body 1. - 6. jako u zad (zada saticek)
2. ujmout 3 ocka na kazdem konci (podpazi), pak ujmeme v daslich dvou (respektive 4 radach) po jednom ocku. Pote upleteme 30 rad. Pokud pletete na stroji, presunte tyto ocka na jehlici.
- Dokonceni:
1. Sesijte strany saticek az k podpazi.
2. Nahodte ocka kolem pazi (predek i zadek), pote uplette hladce-obratce celou radu. Druhou radu obracene (stejny styl upletu jako u lemu saticek).
3. Uplette okraj na predni casti saticek stejnym stylem jako lem saticek - nezapomente nahodit take ocka lemu kolem pazi.
4. Uplette zada stejnym stylem jako predni okraj, ci lem, saticek. Nezapomente nahodit take ocka lemu kolem pazi. Rozdelte ocka na dva dily se stejnym poctem ocek - a pokracujte v pleteni (jedna rada hladce obratce, dalsi rada obratce hladce) raminka, v potrebne delce. Pote uplette druhe raminko.
5. zacistete vsechny snurky
6. Prisijte knoflicky a raminka k predni casti saticek.
7. Privazte stuzku do pasu - v pripade prani saticek je muzette odvazat (muzete shlednout video)