Knitted Vest For Skirt and Booties Set >>> Pletena Vesticka Ke Kompletu Sukynky a Boticek
My days were extremely busy lately, and I was finally able to finish the promised vest to go with the skirt and booties. I am now in the process of writing the Step-by-Step directions (in other words a pattern) for the skirt and vest, so if anyone would like to recreate this knitted set, please visit again this page.
V posledni dobe jsem byla nejak zaneprazdnena, a konecne jsem dokoncila slibenou vestu k sukynce a botickam/backurkam. V soucasne dobe mam rozepsany postup prace pro sukynku a vestu, takze kdo by mel zajem, prosim navstivte znovu tuto stranku.