I find myself often looking at all different yarns, thick and thin, colorful or natural, single or multi-color, hand-painted - I find the artistry behind the yarn-making fascinating. I also adore variegated yarns - the ones that appeal to my eye and style.
The other day I was scrolling through some websites with yarns and came across Lana Grossa, Gomitolo Puno. There were several pretty variegated balls on display, but the one in blue/lavender combo looked the most appealing. So I bought four skeins. Then I added to my cart one more neutral ball in muted green/gray color with purple undertones.
Below is my pattern of a summer blouse, which I knitted for my birthday using the blue/lavender color, which reminds me of the Adriatic Summer Sky. This yarn, which is predominantly cotton, has a nice drape to it, and it's soft and pleasant to wear it. Knitting with this yarn was enjoyable. I used a beautiful stitch pattern from a Japanese "Knitting Patterns Book 250". I could not be more pleased with my finished blouse. I sure gave myself a nice birthday gift.
You may want to look for my second blouse from the sage/gray color too. I will post the link when I finish writing the pattern and edit videos.
In the meantime, if you need some help knitting "Adriatic Sky Blouse", please refer to the videos below.
- Approximately 200g of Lana Grossa, Gomitolo Puno; color 013; 70% Cotton, 19% Merino, 11% Alpaca; 570m/150 g per ball
- DPNs, Circulars Knitting Needles, Long Knitting Needles - US size #5 (3.75 mm)
- Stitch Holder or short DPNs
- Scissors
- Yarn Needle (for weaving in the tails)
- Women US Medium (chest 36")
Gouge (stockinette stitch):
- on US knitting needles #5 (3.75 mm) - 1"x1" = 6.5 sts x 8 rows
DPN(s) - double-pointed needle(s)
CO - cast on
K - knit
P - purl
YO - yarn over
SSK - slip knit-wise, slip knit-wise, and then knit these two stitches together through the back loop
K2tog - knit two stitches together
M - stitch marker
CDD - slip the next two stitches together as if to knit, knit the next stitch, then pass two slipped stitches over the knitted stitch
S1K2P - slip one stitch, then knit next two stitches together, finally pass slipped stitch over your K2tog stitches
incr - this is a 2 stitch increase - insert knitting needle into the stitch three rows below your next stitch, pull up a loop, YO, insert knitting needle again into the same stitch and pull up another loop, release your next stitch you didn't knit into after this increase (for your reference watch either video mentioned above)
P2tog - purl two stitches together
KTBL - knit through the back loop
SLS - slip last stitch purl-wise with yarn in front
~ (before a row) - marks a decrease row (for example ~Row 3 = row 3 is a decrease row)
S2TwistP2tog - slip 2 sts together purl-wise, insert a knitting needle back into both stitches as if to knit backward and twist the stitches so that first stitch is second and second stitch is first, place them back onto initial needle and purl them together (see THIS video)
RS - right side
WS - wrong side
While knitting this blouse I used 3 types of knitting needles - long needles, DPNs, and circular needles, each time switching to the best type to knit with.
Step-by-Step Directions:
Foundation: cast on 230 stitches
Rnd 1 *[K1, P1]* - to end of the row, then distribute the stitches evenly, among 4 DPNs (or use either 2 pairs of short circular needles or circular needles with a long cable), and without twisting your knitted row, join needles into a circle
Rnd 2-12 *[K1, P1]* - to end of each row
Rnds 13-96 Work 10 stitch/14 Row "Pattern In The Round". In each row work, "10-Stitch repeats" 23 times, and repeat "14-Row pattern" six times (total 84 rows)
Pattern In The Round:
Rnd 2 *[P3, K3, P4]* - repeat
Rnd 3 *[SSK, YO, SSK, K4, YO, SSK, YO]* - repeat
Rnd 4 *[P3, K3, P4]* - repeat
Rnd 5-6 *[K10]* - repeat
Rnd 7 *[K2, K2tog, YO, incr, YO, SSK, K3]* - repeat; (total 12 sts in each repeat)
Rnd 8 *[K1, K2tog, K5, SSK, K2]* - repeat; (back to 10 sts in each repeat)
Rnd 9 *[K2tog, YO, K2tog, YO, K1, YO, SSK, YO, SSK, K1]* - repeat
Rnd 10 *[K10]* - repeat
Rnd 11 *[YO, K2tog, YO, K2tog, K3, YO, SSK, YO, S1K2P]* - repeat
Rnd 12 *[K10]* - repeat
Rnd 13 *[K3, YO, CDD, YO, K4]* - repeat
Rnd 14 *[K10]* - repeat
Work 24 rows straight up
Rnds 97-200 K230
Rnd 201-208 *[P1, K1]* - 5x, P1, K98, *[P1, K1]* - 10x, P1, K90, *[P1, K1]* - 5x
The next row is a set up for knitting Front and Back Parts separately. They will be knitted back and forth.
Rnd 209 *[P1, K1]* - 5x, P1, place M, K98, place M, *[P1, K1]* - 3x, BO 9 sts, (beginning of the Back Part) *[K1, P1]* - 3x, place M, K90, place M, *[P1, K1]* - 3x (end of the Back Part); BO 4 sts (end of the row) and BO 5 sts (5 front sts) - do not fasten off your yarn, keep knitting on your front.
Front Part (knit back and forth):
Row 1 *[K1, P1]*- 3x, M, K98, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 2 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P98, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 3 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K94, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 4 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P96, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 5 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K92, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 6 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P94, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 7 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K90, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 8 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P92, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 9 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K88, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 10 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P90, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 11 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K86, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 12 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P88, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 13 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K84, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 14 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P86, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Stitch Pattern Knitted Flat (Back & Forth = at the top of the blouse) in bold letters - counting from 1
Odd numbers - the RIGHT side, even numbers - the WRONG side
Row 1 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K3, *[K10]* - 8x, K3, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 2 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P3, *[K4, P3, K3]* - 8x, P3, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 3 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K1, *[SSK, YO, SSK, K4, YO, SSK, YO]* - 8x, K1, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 4 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P2, *[K4, P3, K3]* - 8x, P2, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 5 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2, *[K10]* - 8x, K2, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 6 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P2, *[P10]* - 8x, P2, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 7 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, *[K2, K2tog, YO, incr, YO, SSK, K3]* - 8x, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS; (total 12 sts in each repeat)
Row 8 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P1, *[P2, S2TwistP2tog, P5, P2tog, P1]* - 8x, P1, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS; (back to 10 sts in each repeat)
Row 9 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K1, *[K2tog, YO, K2tog, YO, K1, YO, SSK, YO, SSK, K1]* - 8x, K1, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 10 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P1, *[P10]* - 8x, P1, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 11 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K1, *[YO, K2tog, YO, K2tog, K3, YO, SSK, YO, S1K2P]* - 8x, K1, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 12 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P1, *[P10]* - 8x, P1, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 13 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K1, *[K3, YO, CDD, YO, K4]* - 8x, K1, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 14 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P1, *[P10]* - 8x, P1, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 15 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K78, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS (92 sts)
Row 16 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P80, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 17 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K80, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 18 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P80, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 19-24 Repeat Rows 17 & 18 three more times (total six more rows)
Row 25 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K10, M, *[P1,K1]* - 14x, P2tog, *[K1, P1]*- 15x, K10, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS (91 sts)
Row 26 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P10, M, *[K1, P1]* - 29x, K1, M, P10, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 27 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K10, M, *[P1,K1]* - 29x, P1, K10, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 28 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P10, M, *[K1, P1]* - 29x, K1, M, P10, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 29-32 Repeat Rows 27 & 28 two more times (total four more rows)
Row 33 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K10, M, *[P1,K1]* - 3x, BO 47 sts, *[K1, P1]* - 3x, M, K10, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS, turn, do not fasten off your yarn, keep knitting with the yarn
Front Right Strap (knit back and forth), counted from 1:
Row 1 (WS) KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P10, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 2 (RS) KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K10, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 3-16 Repeat Rows 1 & 2 seven more times (total fourteen more rows)
If the depth of your armhole is bigger than 9" (measured flat) add 2, 4, 6, or 8 more rows and make a note of it.
Row 17 (WS) KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P10, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS - place stitches on a stitch holder, leave a long tail for Kitchener stitch
Front Left Strap (knit back and forth), use a new yarn strand, & counting from 1 (rows should be equal with rows on the right strap): SAME AS THE RIGHT STRAP
Back Part (knit back and forth):
Row 1 *[K1, P1]*- 3x, M, K90, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 2 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P90, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 3 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K86, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 4 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P88, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 5 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K84, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 6 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P86, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 7 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K82, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 8 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P84, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 9 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K80, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 10 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P82, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 11 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K78, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 12 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P80, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 13 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K76, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 14 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P78, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Count from 1, just like the front
Row 1 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K78, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 2 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P78, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 3 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K74, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 4 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P76, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 5 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K76, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 6 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P76, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 7 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K72, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 8 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P74, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 9 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K74, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 10 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P74, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 11 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K74, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 12 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P74, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 13 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K74, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 14 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P74, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
~Row 15 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K2tog, K70, SSK, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 16 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P72, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 17 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K72, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 18 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P72, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 19-42 Repeat Rows 17 & 18 twelve more times (total 24 more rows)
~Row 43 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K10, M, *[P1,K1]* - 12x, P2tog, *[K1, P1]*- 13x, K10, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS (91 sts)
Row 44 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P10, M, *[K1, P1]* - 25x, K1, M, P10, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 45 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K10, M, *[P1,K1]* - 25x, P1, K10, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 46 KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P10, M, *[K1, P1]* - 25x, K1, M, P10, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 47-50 Repeat Rows 45 & 46 two more times (total four more rows)
Row 51 KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K10, M, *[P1,K1]* - 3x, BO 39 sts, *[K1, P1]* - 3x, M, K10, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS, turn, do not fasten off your yarn, keep knitting with the yarn
Back Straps (knit back and forth) - knit two, counting from 1, you will continue knitting the left strap first:
Row 1 (WS) KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P10, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS
Row 2 (RS) KTBL, P1, *[K1, P1]*- 2x, M, K10, M, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, P1, SLS
Row 3 (WS) KTBL, K1, *[P1, K1]* - 2x, M, P10, M, *[K1, P1]* - 2x, K1, SLS - place stitches on a stitch holder, leave a long tail for Kitchener stitch
If the depth of your armhole is bigger than 9" (measured flat) add 2, 4, 6, or 8 more rows after Row 3 and make a note of it.
Back Right Strap (knit back and forth), use a new yarn strand, start on the wrong side & count from 1: KNITTED SAME WAY AS THE RIGHT STRAP (rows should be equal with left strap rows)
You may not sell my written pattern to anyone, and you may not publish it as your own.
However, you may sell a finished product (socks) made by you.
Thank you.