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My Lady Bug Cake >>> Muj Dort Beruska

I have a friend that is very talented in cake decorating. She inspired me to create few cakes, but the Lady Bug cake is, in my humble opinion, the most beautiful of all the ones that I created. Perhaps it will inspire you to baking and decorating as well.

The body was baked in one (bigger) glass PYREX bakeware bowl (for 1 liter/1 quart) and the head was baked in a small glass custard bowl to create round body. First, I decorated the body with red "marshmallow fondant", then I cut of a small piece of the small cake so I could attach it to the body closer, and then I finished decorating with black and white marshmallow fondant.


Moje kamaradka pece a zdobi nadherne dorty. Jeji vyrobky me natolik inspirovaly, ze jsem se rozhodla take upeci a ozdobit par dortu. Tato Beruska dort se mi ze vsech dortu libil nejvice. Snad vas take k necemu inspiruje.

Telo jsem upekla ve stredne velke sklenene misce PYREX na 1 litr (1 quart), hlavicku jsem upekla v male sklenene misce. Nejdrive jsem pokryla telo cervenym marshmallovym fondantem, pak jsem urizla kousek hlavicky, aby "sedela" pekne u tela a dodekorovala jsem zbytek cernym a bilym fondantem.