I am a person that even if the yarn is designed for something else, I will use it which ever way I want to. At first I wanted to use it to knit a vest or some top for my daughter. When I showed her the yarn that I bought, she said she likes it very much and please knit me a scarf. Since the yarn is a multicolor yarn, I decided not to use any fancy patterns - just a simple purl/knit technique. I had about 10 inches done when I showed it to my princess. But, as she is in the age, that she has her opinions and visions, she told me she doesn't like it. So I decided to crochet the scarf instead. Took it all apart and started all over again.
I re-designed the scarf in my head and when I was nearly finished the look of the scarf was gracefully accepted by my loved one. I must say that indeed it looked much better then the previous knitted one. As she was examining the almost finished scarf she looked at me and asked me "Would you crochet a beret
Step-by-Step Directions:
I used crochet hook size #2
Scarf: 6 ft long has the base, which has many rows
this base has been completely re-written because it had a glitch/mistake. I wrote it first time after the scarf was finished for several weeks, this time as I tried to re-create the base and write the pattern for it as I was crocheting. If anyone still has a problem with crocheting, post a comment. Thank you for your understanding as I am not a designer - this is just my hobby.
1.ch 17
2. triple crochet stitch (tr) into 12th ch, ch 5 (= five chains), tr into the last chain stitch (you should have 2 "windows" like shape)
3. turn what you crocheted around to start new row - ch 12 (crochet 12 chains), tr (= triple stitch) into triple crochet stitch from prev. row, ch 5, tr into the chain stitches from previous row which will create second row of 2 "windows" like shape = you will have now 4 "windows" like shape
4. turn what you crocheted around to start new row and repeat #3 from now on
5. repeat this until the base is as long as your desired length (about 6 feet)
Now we will crochet around the base and which we will call our "second row"
ch 5, three tr into same spot (the corner), ch 5, four tr into first triple stitch (in our base), ch 5, four tr into second corner, now continue on the side of the base with ch 5, four tr into base and so on - all around the base - finish with slip stich.
"Third row": sl st to the middle of the "four tr cluster" - ch 5 + 2, seven tr onto "ch 5", ch 2, tr in the middle of four tr, ch 2, seven tr onto "ch 5", ch 2, tr in the middle of four tr, ch 2,... and so on all around the scarf. Finish with the slip stitch.
1. ch 7
2. 16 sc
3. ch 4 +1, tr , ch 1, tr, ch 1, repeat (total 15)
4. ch 3, two ds, three ds, two ds, three ds - repeat, at the end sl st
5. ch 5, tr, ch 1, tr, ch 1 - repeat, at the end sl st
6. ch 3+ds, into each space two ds - repeat. at the end sl st
7. ch 5, tr, ch 1, tr, ch 1 - repeat, at the end sl st
8. sl st into the space, ch 4, three tr, ch 1, skip 2 spaces, into third space 4 tr, ch 1, skip 2 spaces, into third space 4 tr, ch 1 - repeat, at the end sl st
9. sl st into the midlle of cluster - ch 4, one tr, ch 1, two tr, ch 1, then into new cluster two tr, ch 1, two tr, ch 1, again into new cluster two tr, ch 1, two tr, ch 1, - repeat, at the end sl st
10. sl st into the midlle of cluster - ch 4, two tr, ch 1, three tr, ch 1, then into new cluster three tr, ch 1, three tr, ch 1, again into new cluster three tr, ch 1,three tr, ch 1, - repeat, at the end sl st
11. same as 10th row
12. ch 5, five tr together, ch 6, six tr tog (each tr into each ch from prev row cluster), ch 6 - repeat
13. sl st back onto ch 6 from prev row, [ch 4 + one tr, then two tr onto next ch 6] together, ch 5, [two tr onto same ch 6 from prev row + two tr onto next ch 6] together, ch 5 - repeat
14. sl st back onto ch 5 from prev row, [ch 4 + one tr, then two tr onto next ch 5] together, ch 4, [two tr onto same ch 5 from prev row + two tr onto next ch 5] together, ch 4 - repeat
15. sl st onto the ch 4 from prev row: then ch 4 + three ds, four ds onto another ch 4 from prev row - repeat
16. through 19. ch 4, ds, ds, ds... repeat. Slip stitch to finish.
Jsem osoba, ktera pouzije prizi na uplne jiny typ vyrobku nez na ktery byla vyrobena. Nejdrive jsem si rikala, ze ji upletu vesticku nebo nejaky vrsek a kdyz jsem ukazala prizi dceri, poprosila mne o salu. Ponevadz prize mela nekolik barev, tak jsem zacala salu uplne nejjednoduzsim stylem - hladce a obratce. Nejake obtiznejsi vzory by moc nevynikly. Kdyz jsem mela upleteno asi 20 centimetru, ukazal jsem salu moji princezne. Je ve veku kdy ma svoje nazory, ktere je obtizne zmenit a uprimne mi rekla, ze se ji nelibi. Tak jsem celou moji snahu vyparala a rozhodla se pro hackovanou verzi.
Pre-designovala jsem ji v moji hlave a kdyz byla sala skoro hotova, ukazal jsem ji me milovane osubce, jenz milostive akceptovala druhou verzi tolik ji typickou eleganci. I ja jsem musela uznat, ze sala vypadala mnohem pekneji nez pletena. Zatimco moje dcera prohlizela salu, koukla na me a zeptala se: "Uhackujes mi take baret?" Rekla jsem ji, ze to vyzkousim. Nikdy jsem zadny baret nepletla ani nehackovala, tak jsem musela zase zamestnat muj mozek. Ideu jsem mela. ale design se vyvijel postupne jak mi pribyvaly radky.
Sala: ma mrizkovy zaklad s mnoha radami
1.zacneme na 18 ret. ocek
2. 3x nahozeny dlouhy sloupek do 11ocka, 3x nah dl sl do 18teho ocka
3. otocit = nova rada - 11 ocek, 3x nah dl sl do dlouheho sl z predesle rady, 3x nah dl sl na knoci rady
4. opet otocit - 11 ocek, 3x nah dl sl do dlouheho sl z predesle rady, 3x nah dl sl na knoci rady
5. opakovat do vasi pozadovane delky (asi 170 - 180 cm)
Nyni budeme hackovat kolem naseho mrizkoveho zakladu - coz nazveme nasi "druhou radou"
5 retizkovych ocek, tri 3x nah dl sl do stejneho ocka (v nasem rohu), 5 ret ocek, ctyri 3x nah dl sl do naseho dl sl v predesle rade (v mrizkovem zakladu), 5 ret ok, ctyri 3x nah dl sl do naseho druheho rohu, nyni pokracujeme po strane nasi mrizkove zakladny - 5 ret ok, continue on the side of the base with ch 5, ctyri 3x nah dl sl atd. - kolem celeho zakladu - zakoncime nasi "druhou radu" spojovacim ockem.
"Treti rada": 2 spojovaci ocka do prostred nasi prvni skupinky "ctyr 3x nahazovanych sloupku v predesle rade", 5+2 ret ok, sedm 3x nahzovanych dl sl do nasich "5 retiskovych ok v predchazejici rade", 2 ret oka, jeden 3x nahaz. dl sl do skupinky "ctyr 3x nahazovanych sloupku v predesle rade", 2 ret oka, sedm 3x nahzovanych dl sl do nasich "5 retiskovych ok v predchazejici rade", 2 ret oka, jeden 3x nahaz. dl sl do skupinky "ctyr 3x nahazovanych sloupku v predesle rade", 2 ret oka, ... atd. porad dokola kolem cele saly. Zakoncit se spojovacim ockem a zacistit a sala je hotova.
1. Zacneme na 7 ret ok
2. 16 kr sl
3. 5 ret ok, 3x nahaz dl sl , 1 oko, opakovat (celkem 15 dl sl + 5 ok)
4. 3 ret oka, 2 dl sl, 3 dl sl, 2 dl sl, 3 dl sl, - opakovat, ukoncit ret okem
5. 5 ret ok, 3x nahaz dl sl, 1 ret oko, 3x nahaz dl sl, 1 ret oko - opakovat, ukoncit ret okem
6. 3 ret oka + dl sl, do kazde mezery 2 dl sl - opakovat, ukoncit ret okem
7. 5 ret ok, 3x nahaz dl sl, 1 ret oko, 3x nahaz dl sl, 1 ret oko - opakovat, ukoncit ret okem
8. ret oko do mezery, 4ret oka, tri 3x nahaz dl sl, 1 ret oko, preskocime 2 mezery, do treti mezery ctyri 3x nahaz dl sl, 1 ret oko, preskocime 2 mezery, do treti mezery ctyri 3x nahaz dl sl, 1 ret oko - opakovat, ukoncit ret okem
9. ret okem se dostat doprostred skupinky ctyr dl sloupku - 4 ret oka, jeden trikrat nahaz sl sl, 1 ret oko, dva trikrat nahaz oka, 1 ret oko, doprostred dalsi skupinky dva 3x nahaz dl sl, 1 ret oko, dva trikrat nahaz oka, 1 ret oko, doprostred dalsi skupinky dva 3x nahaz dl sl, 1 ret oko, dva trikrat nahaz oka, 1 ret oko - opakovat, ukoncit ret okem
10. ret okem se dostat doprostred skupinky ctyr dl sloupku - 4 ret oka, dva trikrat nahaz sl sl, 1 ret oko, tri trikrat nahaz oka, 1 ret oko, doprostred dalsi skupinky tri 3x nahaz dl sl, 1 ret oko, tri trikrat nahaz oka, 1 ret oko, doprostred dalsi skupinky tri 3x nahaz dl sl, 1 ret oko, tri trikrat nahaz oka, 1 ret oko - opakovat, ukoncit ret okem
11. stejne jako 10. radu
12. 5 ok, 5 3x nahaz dl sl spojit dohromady, 6 ret ok, sest 3x nahaz dl sl. spojit dohromady, 6 ret ok - opakovat, ukoncit ret okem
13. jedno zpetne ret oko, 4 ret oka, jeden 3x nahaz dl sl + dva 3x nazaz dl sl do dlasi mezery (6ti retizkovych ok) a spojit je dohromady, 5 ret ok, dva 3x nahaz dl sl do stejne mezery (6ti ret ok) + dva 3x nahaz dl sl do dalsi mezery, 5 ret ok - opakovat, ukoncit ret okem
14. jedno zpetne ret oko, 4 ret oka, jeden 3x nahaz dl sl + dva 3x nazaz dl sl do dlasi mezery (5ti retizkovych ok) a spojit je dohromady, 4 ret oka, dva 3x nahaz dl sl do stejne mezery (5ti ret ok) + dva 3x nahaz dl sl do dalsi mezery, 4 ret oka - opakovat, ukoncit ret okem
15. jednim ret okem se dostaneme do mezery: pote 4 ret oka + tri dl sl, ctyri dl sl do dlasi mezery, - opakovat ukoncit ret okem
16. az 19. rada - 4 ret oka, dl sl, dl sl,... opakovat, ukoncit ret okem