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Tea Pot Cover >>> Pokryvka Na Cajnik

Lately, I have been looking through my old files and I am finding some stuff I am quite proud of. For example this tea pot cover to keep the tea (or coffee) warm. I made this for my friend for her birthday. She really loved it and when ever I visit her, she always uses this cover over her tea pot, when she serves me tea. the knowing that my work was not a waste makes me feel really good - especially to see that my skill is greatly appreciated.


V posledni dobe jsem prohledavala moje stare soubory a nasla jsem tam spoustu mych vyrobku na ktere jsem docela hrda. Napriklad tuto prikryvku na cajnik jsem vytvorila pro moji kamaradku k jejim narozeninam. Kdykoliv k ni prijdu na navstevu a ona mi serviruje caj, tak prikryvku pouziva. Nas caj zustava dele teply. Jsem rada, ze moje prace se neminula ucinkem a kamaradka ocenuje moji zrucnost.

Some of the teas below would make a nice gift for tea lovers.