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Knitted Baby Booties >>> Pletene Boticky Pro Batole

These booties are for 9 month old baby.
Step-by-Step Directions:

1. Start working with 2 needles at first - cast on 10 stiches (knitting needle #1, a side of the bootie), K 1 row, P 1 row, K 1 row
2. Add third knitting needle (one knitting needle is always a working needle) - continue on the side (this will be your knitting needle #2, a tip/front of the bootie), where you will "pick" 3 stitches (= cast on 3 stitches)
3. Add fourth knitting needle - cast on 10 stitches on the bottom = third side (where you cast on in the first row and this will be your knitting needle #3, a side of the bootie)
4. Add fifth knitting needle - cast on the fourth side another 3 stitches (this will be your knitting needle #4, a heel of the bootie)
5.  In the next THREE rows knit all around in the circle BUT on each knitting needle knit into back and front of FIRST AND LAST STITCH ONLY (= adding stitches in corners), K the rest in the regular way
6. K entire row
7. Purl 2 entire rows
8. Knit 2 entire rows
9.  Purl 2 entire rows
10. K 21 (14 on needle #1 + 7 on needle #2), sl one stitch from needle #3 (with yarn in front) onto the needle #2 (left to right), TURN

your needle #2 will become the focal point - this will be the front of your booties - which means that you will from now on always start your new row with needle #2

11.  K1, P7, sl one stitch from needle #1 onto needle #2 (with 8 stitches now) - with adding sl st you will have 9 stitches on needle #2, TURN
12. K9, sl st from needle #3 onto needle #2, TURN
13. K1, P9, sl st from needle #1 onto needle #2, TURN

continue with several rows (about 5 or 6 more rows) until you have 16 stitches on needle #2 after you add another sl st. You should be at this point in purl position - purl these 16 stitches until the end of the needle, then purl one extra stitch AND sl st from needle #1

14. K 18, again knit extra stitch from needle #3 + sl st onto needle #2 (from needle #3), TURN
15. K1, P19, then purl extra stitch from needle #1 + sl st onto needle #2 (from needle #1, TURN
16. repeat 2 more times (total 3x)  until you have only 6 stitches on needle #1 and six stitches on needle #3 and 26 stitches on needle #2
17. you should be in the position of starting to knit on needle #2 - knit one row
18. in the next three rows DECREASE each end stitch on needle #2 by slipping it onto needle #1 and needle #3 - you will end up with 20 stitches on needle #2 after these 3 rows (and same number of stitches on your other needles = #1, #3, and #4)
19. at this time instead of continuing knitting, TURN and purl on needles #1, #4, and #3 (side-heel-side), TURN and knit on needles #3, #4, and #1
20. continue knitting one entire row all around (needles #2, #3, #4, and #1 - in this order)
21. starting again on needle #2 K1, P1, K1, P1.... all around several rows
22. finish the bootie with picot

Come back to see matching gloves and a green baby hat.


Tyto boticky jsou na deviti mesicni batole.


1. Zacnete nejdrive pracovat s 2 jehlicemi - nahodte 10 ok (pletaci jehlice #1, jedna strana boticky), hladce 1 radu, obratce 1 radu, hladce 1 radu2. Pridate dalsi jehlici (jedna jehlice je vzdy "pletaci") - pokracujte na dalsi strane (jehlice #2, neboli spicka boticky), zde nahodite 3 oka 3. Pridate ctvrtou jehlici - nahodite 10 ok = treti strana (jehlice #3, druha strana boticky)
4. Pridate patou jehlici - nahodite 3 oka = ctvrta strana (jehlice #4, pata boticky) 5. V dalsich 3 radach pletete dokola, pouze na kazde jehlici rozpletete PRVNI A POSLEDNI OKO (= pridate oka v kazdem "rohu"), tot vse pletete hladce6. Dalsi rada hladce bez pridavani 7. Obratce 2 rady 8. Hladce 2 rady9. Obratce 2 rady 10. Hladce 21 ok (14 na jehlici #1 + 7 na jehlici #2), prehodit oko z jehly # 3 (prize vepredu), na jehlici #2 (zleva doprava), OTOCIT
Vasee jehlice #2 bude ot tohoto bodu dulezitou jehlici, to znamena ze budete od ted zacinat kazdou radu jehlici #2

11. uplest hladce 1 oko, obratce 7, prehodit jedno oko z jehlice # 1 na jehlici #2 (na jehlici #2 bylo 8 ok) - s prehozenim oka budete mít 9 ok na jehlici #2, OTOCIT12. Hladce 9 ok, prehodit oko z jehlice #3 na jehlici #2, OTOCIT13. Hladce jedno oko, obratce 9
prehodit oko z jehlice #1 na jehlici #2, OTOCIT
pokracujete takto nekolik rad (asi 5 nebo 6), az budete mit16 ok na jehlici #2. Nyni jste pripraveni plest opet obratce - upletet celou radu obratce, pak obratce jedno oko a prehodit jedno oko z jehlice #1

14. Hladce 18 ok, pak uplest
jedno oko a prehodit dalsi oko z jehlice #3 + prehodit oko na jehlici #2 (z jehlice #3), OTOCIT 15. Hladce 1 oko, obratce 19 ok - pote extra oko obratce z jehlice #1 + prehodit oko na jehlici #2 (z jehlice #1, OTOCIT 16. opakovat jeste 2x, az budete mit pouze 6 ok na jehlici #1 a sest ok na jehlici #3 a 26 ok na jehlici #2 17. nyni zacinate plest na jehlicie #2 - uplette radu hladce18. V příštích třech řádcích SNÍŽENÍ každém konci stehů na jehle # 2 tím, že uklouznutí na jehly a jehlu #1 # 3 - skončí s 20 stehy na jehle #2 poté, co tyto 3 řádky (a stejný počet stehů na vaše další jehly = #1, #3, a #4) 19. nyni OTOCIT a plest obratce na jehlicich #1, #4, a #3 (strana-pata-strana), zase OTOCTE a plette hladce na jehlici #3, #4, a #1 20. pokracujte hladce jeste jednu radu (jehlice #2, #3, #4 a #1 - v tomto poradi) 21. zacnete znovu na jehlici #2 hladce 1 oko, obratce 1 oko, hladce 1 oko atd. - dokola nekolik rad (kolik potrebujete)22. dokoncete boticku ozdobnym upletem 

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