I always wanted to knit nice looking booties for a baby. So I did a search on-line and tried to recreate the ones that I found really beautiful. I mean REALLY BEAUTIFUL. I found this gorgeous looking bootie. Isn't it beautifully shaped bootie? Now I wonder, why there is only one and not two of them?
Well, I kitted every single stitch according to the step-by-step directions on two knitting needles and when I was finished with knitting, I sew the baby bootie together AND.... was very disappointed with the outcome. The sole was not designed right. It just looked great in the image. Who ever made the design came up with a sole indented into a "V" shape. See the image below of how wrong the bottom sole looks after I was finished. In the number 1. image the bootie looks great, but 2. and 3. images are showing the faulty design. (As you see below I made my bootie shorter, not as high as you saw in the other web site's image.)
So, I set to designMY OWN booties, which you can see below along with directions. These booties are knitted with 5 knitting needles, instead of two. There is no sewing needed. I hope the directions will make sense, since I am not fluent in English knitting terminology. And while at it I decided to make HAT and GLOVES to go with the BOOTIES.
Uz davno jsem chtela uplest krasne boticky/backurky pro miminko. konecne jsem udelala pruzkum na netu a nalsa jsem opravdu krasne pletene boticky. Opravdu krasne. Nasla jsem tyto nadherne boticky. No nejsou krasne? Akorat by mne zajimalo, kde je druha boticka?
Sedla jsem a upletla jednu boticku presne podle predlohy. Botisky byly pletene na dvou jehlicich, pote jsem je sesila a kdyz jsem byly hotove TAK.... jsme byla zklamana jak vypadaly. Slapka byla velmi spatne na-designovana. Sice vypadala skvele na obrazku, ale kdyz jsem byla hotova s moji slapkou tak byla divna - mela tvar do pismene "V" - vyfotila jsem muj vytvor. Na obrazku (prvni fotografie) c. 1 vypada boticka skvele, ale na obrazku c. 2 a 3 je videt spatne promysleny desing. (moje boticka je take kratsi, ale delku si muze kazdy uzpusobit podle sveho.)
Tak jsem si na-designovala MOJE VLASTNI boticky, ktere muzete videt na fotografii zaroven s postupem.
Tyto boticky jsem upletla na 5 jehlicich a nemusela jsem je sesivat. K BOTICKAM jsem se rozhodla uplest CEPICKU and RUKAVICE.