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Phone/Credit Card/Money Pouch >>> Mosnicka Na Telefon, Creditni Kartu nebo Penize

One day I was sitting in my class before my professor started giving his presentation and I was thinking how to improve my performance in this difficult subject. I came with the idea of buying a small digital recorder, that I could record presentations and play them while I drive. Since the tape recorder is very small, it could get lost or destroyed by heavy books, so I decided to knit a little pouch for my cute digital recorder. I am also practical person so I decided for a black color. I knew I would "drag' it many places and it would get dirty very fast. This pouch is very easy to make even for the beginner. I also used the felting technique.

Step-by-Step Directions:

1. Cast on 40
2. K 40 and divide stitches among 4 double pointed needles, connect into circle
2. K 40 around for 29 rows more
3.knit your top edge:  *[P1, K1] all even rows and *[K1, P1] all odd rows (total 10 rows)
4. BO
5. When finished sew the "non purl-knit" end (your bottom)


1. Cast on 6
2. Knit with 4 needles (three needles have 2 stitches each on and the fourth needle is used for knitting)- knit  rows according to your desired length - for felting make it about 40-50% longer as it will shrink.
3. Sew the handle onto your pouch - wash in hot water and dry


Jednoho dne jsem sedela ve tride pred zacatkem vyucovani a v hlave se mi honily myslenky, jak si zlepsit v pomerne tezkem predmetu moje vysledky. Napadla mne myslenka, ze bych si mohla koupit digitalni nahravac, a prehravat si prednasky zatimco ridim auto. V obchode jsem si uvedomila, ze digitalni nahravac je nejaky mailicky a pokud ho budu nosit v tasce s tezkymi knihami tak se muze znicit. Rozhodla jsem se vyrobit memu nahravaci mosnicku, aby se citil skvele. Vedela jsem ze digitalni nahravac bude se mnou cestovat neustale, ze je zcela mozne, ze se mosnicka hned uspini, a ponevadz jsem take prakticky clovek, tak jsem se rozhodla pro cernou barvu.  Rozhodla jsem se pro techniku "plsteni" (tj. srazeni vlny). Vyrobit tuto mosnicku je jednoduche i pro zacatecniky.


1. Zacnete na 40 ok
2. Pleteme na 5-ti jehlicich asi 30 rad (rovne)
3. 10 rad hladce-obratce - s tim, ze  "hladce-obratce" prvni radu, "obratce-hladce" druhou radu, "hladce-obratce" treti radu, "obratce-hladce" ctvrtou radu - a tak dale
4. Zakoncete posledni radu a opacny konec sesijte - toto bude vase dno

Rukojet/Pasek pres rameno

1. Zacnete na 6 ok
2. Uplette na ctyrech jehlicich tak dlouhou rukojet jakou potrebujete s tim, ze pak musite pridat asi 40-50% procent delky navic, ponevadz po vyprani se vlna o tolik srazi.
3. Nakonec prisijte rukojet k mosnicce a vyperte v horke vode.